Trademark Pending ® All Rights Reserved A commission of reverence and awe God’s Grant for Harmonious Living Romans 15:5-6 Preach1 Day Selection List

Our effort is to Glorify God with one-voice for the offer of God’s divine grant. We are seeking congregations that will take a zealous opportunity to know a bible verse with-in the same book(s) of the bible. This will also establish a spirit of truth within your congregation. Join the worship of knowing a truth and registering it’s scripture to later be recited at the ‘ Preach1 Day’ assembly.  

The Preach1 Day assembly is inviting leaders and their congregation to fill a void in holiness. Join us at the Detroit river banks, where we are linking ourselves together verse by verse in the Holy Bible, to have a worship of reverence and awe. You can only be accountable by using the bible’s web-registration process or you won’t be counted in the number of partakers in the vicinity of the ceremony.

Our expressed work is to have 100% of the Holy Bible in hearts, come together at the Detroit River Banks assembled as 1 Human Bible, while in the presence of God with our eyes and hands lifted up towards God, reciting our registered verses synced in one-voice, for 2 minutes, 12:58 PM to 1:00 PM glorifying God!

The begots of this assembly only need to recite 1 scripture (verse to voice) of the Holy Bible to be worthy of God’s grant, registering is a honor to Believers in Christ. Participating in the ceremony is your added strength from the Lord!

How can your membership be accountable to your assembly? Let’s say your congregation has 700 members, using the chart on the left, what book(s) of the bible would you select for your members, friends family etc.? Now, request members to know one verse from your choice of Bible book(s).